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Sunday 23rd June

Treatments available:

Monday-Thursday 10am-8pm

Friday 10am-4pm

Is there an issue with SMART Goals?

Is there an issue with SMART Goals?

New Year is the time when many reflect and take stock, a time to set intentions and goals for the coming year. Social media is littered with goal setting quotes, mantras, affirmation, and the conversations often move to SMART goals. If you need a reminder these are...
Coping with the Winter Blues

Coping with the Winter Blues

The winter blues (also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a complex feeling many experience as winter hits, seasons change, colder weather bites and the evenings become longer and darker. It is a real condition, despite what those who do not experience it may...
Can holistic therapies help with period changes?

Can holistic therapies help with period changes?

In recent weeks there have been reports in the press about the changes some women have experienced with their periods. Women noticing that during the extended lockdowns and beyond their monthly cycles have changed, some have experienced heavier periods, some lighter,...
Therapist on Retreat

Therapist on Retreat

A few years ago, I was teaching facial treatments and asked my students a question “when did you last have a facial?”  To my amazement a number of them admitted that they had never had a facial and rarely had other treatments. I simply couldn’t understand it. One of...
What is Aromatherapy

What is Aromatherapy

Something I do all the time – talk about aromatherapy oils.  Clients are always asking for advice on what to use and how to use them.  Here is a short guide on home use.  I go into much more depth on aromatherapy oils in online workshops, where participants also...
Which reflexology is right for you?

Which reflexology is right for you?

When it comes to reflexology many people automatically think of foot reflexology, but there are lots of different types of reflexology treatments – feet, hands, face, ears plus ‘tools’ can be added such as hot stones – adding another dimension...