Bob Geldof sang ‘I don’t like Mondays,’ the Bangles sang about ‘Manic Mondays,’ New Order sang about ‘Blue Monday.’
Do they sum up how you feel about Monday mornings?
I was at a family gathering this weekend and someone there mentioned how they dread Sunday evening because that means Monday is looming. It always makes my heart sink when I hear that. When therapists and coaches talk about the ‘work life balance’ it can be misleading.
In reality it would be better not to strive for a work life balance as this indicates work is bad, life is good (at least most people view it this way, others may consider it the opposite and that’s a whole different story to deal with!) Instead, find a way to appreciate, enjoy and thrive in most of your work whilst ensuring you have plenty of fun, rest, and playtime. There will always be aspects of your work that are a chore, a challenge or boring, just as in downtime we have chores to do, challenging issues to deal with and boring tasks.
To improve situations (work or non-work) sometimes we must make big changes such as a new job or role, moving to work within a different team or environment; or if a home change moving house, leaving a relationship. But before it comes to this breaking point, there are changes you can make to improve the niggles, the distractions that keep you awake at night. Introduce some time saving methods to streamline things; or delegate chores that others are more than capable of doing (work and non-work!) Could introducing some more enjoyable activities bring more joy to everyone involved?
Below are 7 ways you can improve your thoughts aboiut your work and non-work, to introduce more enjoyment and help both thrive.
1. Celebrate milestones:
Celebrate work colleagues’ birthdays, work anniversary’s, make a someone’s day special. Non-work is often easier so think creatively, don’t just stick with birthdays, anniversary – come together for sporting events, national days.
2. Show appreciation of others and their efforts:
Work appraisals are great, but why wait until it’s formal – simply telling your work colleague they have done a great job makes everyone feel good.
Non-work appreciation is often show to children in the form of sticker charts, but as they grow do you still tell them when you are proud of them or thank them for taking responsibility for a home chore. Rather than moaning when they don’t do it, encourage them by giving praise.
3. Eat with others and take a break:
Workwise this can be a bit trickier, especially if you work from home, but even in this situation can you meet up occasionally? Wherever you work, make sure you take a proper break away from your workspace. You will be much more productive and happier when you have had a change of space and given yourself some time to fuel yourself.
Home wise, one of the common factors mentioned when the breakdown of family relationships is considered is the lack of time taken to eat together, to sit and chat about the day past and plans for the day to come. This is not just about fuelling your body nutritionally, but about fuelling your soul, connection, and communication. ‘Life’ means this isn’t possible everyday but aim for at least 50% of your week where your household eat together. If you haven’t been doing this, you will quickly see improvements in relationships and understanding when you do.
4. Plan things together/collaboration:
Obviously at work this important whether you are working for yourself or in a large corporation. Working with others shares the stresses and rewards. Loneliness is literally a killer, and when you are working alone it can be isolating, you may begin to doubt your abilities and approaches – use others as sounding boards.
This is the same at home – working out holiday plans together means everyone can have the input, deciding what days you can eat together – and who’s turn it is to cook – all lead to a happier life.
5. Dress appropriately
I don’t mean you can’t wear crazy clothes, of course you can – anywhere you wish. This is more about make your clothes work and non-work. In a world where we often find ourselves dragged into work issues in non-work hours, it’s good to have different clothes for each area. Somehow by changing clothes for different activities our mindset shifts and we are then ‘work ready,’ ‘party ready,’ ‘sleep ready.
6. Wellness Aids:
It is important to recognise when you are feeling overwhelmed whether at work or at home. A work wellness aid could be as simple as a to do list, an organised diary, or having an assistant to take some of the mundane work away from you; whilst a home wellness aid could be a family planning organiser to keep track of everyone, a space everyone knows is a quiet corner and if someone is sat reading there not to interrupt them, or having a chores rota.
7. Get outside:
Don’t sit at your desk all day, don’t stay in the classroom all day, move from your home office – get fresh air and move.
When you are at home, do the same. Unless it’s a duvet day – then snuggle down and rest!