Call: 07720290465 or



Sunday 22nd September

Treatments available:

Tuesday-Thursday 10am-8pm

Friday 10am-2pm

Radiance.. the story so far

My aim is to bring holistic spa style treatments designed to help you achieve calm, clarity and a greater sense of wellbeing.

The philosophy of RADIANCE is to help you obtain and maintain optimal health

The fundamentals of good health are not complicated. Lifestyle has a huge impact – whether you struggle to take time out, switch off from work, have busy family lives, don’t make time to eat, exercise or sleep properly – these are all aspects considered when you visit Radiance.

Even the most dedicated, health conscious person will have days when things don’t quite go to plan. Radiance creates an environment where for just a short time you can gather your thoughts, take some timeout for yourself and enjoy a Spa like experience without having to take a whole day away or endure the day rate before you have even had a treatment. 

Sarah Bromham

About Me


Morning! I’m Sarah,
A simple explanation of what I do – I help people create calm in their life to feel well, find space to honour their wellbeing, physically, mentally and emotionally and to find ways to improve their life. It sounds deep, but is usually simple introducing relaxation techniques in treatments and at home.
At times we all experience stress, short bursts are actually good for us, but long term, extended periods of stress can (and do) lead to illness, disease and life limiting conditions. Before reaching that point, I encourage people to take responsibility and control of their life to improve their longevity and vigour as they age.
The choice is yours, do you want to live long with little energy, strength and resilience to meet the results of aging or do you want to live long with the knowledge that you have treated your body well, kept your mind balanced with activities and rest, and that you understand your emotions and how to work with them.

Are you putting limitations on yourself – ‘I cant do that because I am ** years old’ . Age is just a number!

** If you are reading this and under the age you consider ‘old’, it will reach you before you realise and it is never too early to build the foundations to healthier, longer living.**




Holistic Facial

Indian Head Massage

A bit more about Radiance

Each Radiance treatment is about the individual.


Many of my clients come to be for relaxation, drawn to aromatherapy massages because they know they need some down time.  Sometimes they start thinking it’s about pampering, but quickly realise there’s more to this than they realised.  

Others are drawn to reflexology, either because they have experienced it before or because they have heard about it and are intrigued.  A common link between these people is that they have busy lives, they struggle to practice good selfcare and if they don’t make an appointment it is not going to happen.  My goal is to make selfcare part of your DNA, not something that is a special occasion or something you have to remind yourself about.  Once you are in this mode, many things can add to your selfcare life – treatments (obviously), getting a haircut, knowing when and how to pause, journaling, walking in nature, community (friends and the wider world), nurturing your body.. there is a lot you can do, and no one size fits all. Your selfcare is as individual as you are.

An increasing number of my clients are realising they need a bit more than hands on help. Appointments are not back-to-back – I want you to feel you have lots of time to talk through your day, or your struggles and not feel that I need you to leave to make way for the next client. 

I allow time for you to share and offload, but when that is not enough, lifestyle mentoring could be for you.  These sessions are limited to 1 hour , online or face to face. In them we delve in a little deeper to your struggles and together work out ways for you to find solutions (where possible) or feel more able to deal with them.  Maybe you start projects and never finish them, why is that? You have a difficult relationship with a family member, and you want to change it, or you overindulge – in everything from food, spending, alcohol, work – maybe that’s not a problem, but if it is we can talk it through and find a new way of being.

When meeting a client for the first time, I listen to what they need and why, and we discuss what I can offer and set the expectations.  You must be ready to make change, I am simply a support to guide you – it is up to you to make the difference.