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Sunday 22nd September

Treatments available:

Tuesday-Thursday 10am-8pm

Friday 10am-2pm

Before I delve in further a quick explanation.  Introducing myself as a holistic therapist is sometimes met with a confused look, ‘what is that’, ‘oh, nice,  not for me’.

I’ve written this short blog to help the sceptics, and the curious, and hopefully I’ll see you soon in the treatment room!


The definitions:

‘Holistic therapist’ – a person who focuses on another’s physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

‘Holistic therapies’ – a way to enhance the mind-body-soul connection to improve wellbeing, lower stress and help the recipient address a multitude of issues.



There are many modalities of holistic therapy from reflexology, aromatherapy, reiki, yoga, breathwork, meditation, acupuncture, sound baths. Likewise, there are many styles of therapist and I believe the key factors when choosing the style or when looking for a therapist are those below.  The modality you choose is often dependent on your personality and your preferences as they generally offer the same/similar outcomes (some therapists may disagree with that – I’d politely suggest that maybe their ego needs a check-in).  However there are times when a modality works better for your personally than another – eg someone with body dysmorphia may feel uncomfortable removing their clothes for massage but be happy to have reflexology

Back to the things you should consider when booking in to see a holistic therapist:

  • You need to like your therapist (sounds basic, but you will be opening up to them and sharing personal thoughts and experiences – you don’t want to do that with just anyone)
  • They explain their way of working, and their chosen modality. (even the times they are available will be important, if they offer an evening appointment for example and you realise afterwards that this was a ‘one off evening offer’ and evenings are the only time you can do – you have wasted your time!)
  • They set expectations from the start. ( A good therapist will be able to set expectations and discuss possible outcomes with you.)
  • You understand the process.
  • You feel safe.
  • You can remove yourself from the process at any time.
  • They listen to you, take feedback, and adapt treatments accordingly.
  • They are trained and can demonstrate this with certificates and insurance documents on request (you’d be surprised how many aren’t!)
  • They know their own limitations and do not attempt to ‘try’ treatments outside of their training.  This may mean they suggest you seek a different or additional therapy if their skills are not suitable.
  • You know from the start, how much money it will cost you (this is important and removes any worry – you don’t need additional worry in your life).
  • You respect each other’s boundaries.
  • If you have private healthcare, check with your provider as they may have a preferred list of therapists or organisations. (This is something people often forget is an option!)




Currently in the UK the most popular holistic therapy (according to is reflexology – and this is the most popular at Radiance too.  The FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists – the governing body I work under) state that body massage is the most popular followed by reflexology and aromatherapy.  Lucky you, all are available at Radiance.




In recent years, more people are looking to take care of their health and wellbeing – from fitness – joining gyms/classes, to searching for the latest food craze (quick fix anyone) to a longer-term approach of taking care of their bodes .  They want to fuel themselves well, recover properly between exercise, notice their aches and pains before they develop further.  This drive for  a healthier lifestyle can be supported with holistic therapies – aka integrated medicine – combining allopathic medicine with a holistic ‘add-on.’  Think of your body as you do you home.  Your body is your home – it needs the practical stuff taken care of, so it doesn’t fall down today, but it also needs maintenance and some nice things to make it feel cosy, warm and a good place to be.  Yes a home still functions when it isn’t maintained, but not forever. We would all prefer to  live in a place that is nice to be in, rather than simply functioning.

The holistic approach considers you as a whole person, rather than one made up of individual symptoms.  For example,  you have trouble sleeping.  A doctor considers a multitude of factors – hormones, depression, medication, whereas a holistic therapist will delve into others such stress triggers and your environment .  Simple lifestyle changes such as the room temperature of your bedroom, the position of your bed/pillows, or changing your work pattern, allowing others to help take the strain of day-to-day life may help and most doctors simply do not have the time to look at everything in your day-to-day life.  A holistic approach allows more time to consider these.  Some stress triggers cannot be eliminated but by using relaxation techniques you can learn stay and become calmer, achieve a greater rested state and clarity to allow you see things in a different way.  This clarity can help ease the stress and as a result your whole body feels softer, easier and is under much less strain.  Essential oils have been proven to ease the symptoms of menopause and depression amongst many other issues. Ultimately, sleep improves when we manage our stress better.

And that’s just one example of how holistic therapies can help you!




If you would like to book a treatment – simply click here and book yourself in.
Alternatively – have you seen the seasonal wellbeing workshops I run.  This is your opportunity to work on your selfcare and wellbeing for a WHOLE DAY! Yes a day just for you to focus on you.  Amazing!  Its not often we give ourselves the chance to relax, consider our wellbeing in a safe space, with a small group of likeminded people.
Book yourself onto the next workshop on Sunday 24th March